
In a twinkling of an eye, it is 2019 again. With the increase of age, people are more and more afraid of New Year's Day, New Year and Spring Festival. The reason is that I'm afraid I'm one year older.

Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again. An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold The years have passed away and can't be found again. Therefore, we should seize the day and live in the moment. So I took my beloved camera and went to the "remote" East Overseas Chinese Town Grand Canyon for a "tour".

        这个东部华侨城貌似好像是5A级的景区吧,之前已经去过茶溪谷,但是没有到大峡谷,看这个名字,应该是一个峡谷,看山看水的,而实际上,东部华侨城的大峡谷居然是 游乐场!喔,也不全是,还是有一些自然风光可以欣赏的。所以,进入大峡谷之后,对于我这种自然风光党而言,真是瞬间懵比了。
This eastern OCT seems to be a 5A scenic spot. I have been to the Tea Valley before, but I haven't been to the Grand Canyon. Look at the name, it should be a canyon. In fact, the Grand Canyon of the eastern OCT is actually a playground! Oh, not all of them. There are still some natural scenery to enjoy. Therefore, after entering the Grand Canyon, it was really a moment of confusion for my party with natural scenery.

        和一般的游客不同,我们不走寻常路。进入大峡谷,直接到了一个旋转飞车,惊险刺激的游玩之后,就到了火烈鸟谷。嗯,养了一些火烈鸟,就叫火烈鸟谷了。想起当初许多年前,咱曾经少年, 西安 秦岭 野生动物园中,那火烈鸟才叫多,成百上千只,哪里都不敢叫火烈鸟谷。这大峡谷中几十只火烈鸟,看起来都孤单啊,怎么就叫火烈鸟谷呢? 君不知,看到“火烈鸟谷”这个景点名的时候,我脑海中呈现的是一个大山谷,山谷中是湖,大大的山谷中到处都是成群结队的火烈鸟,多么美妙的画卷啊。
Unlike ordinary tourists, we don't take ordinary roads. After entering the Grand Canyon, you will directly arrive at a spinning flying car. After a thrilling trip, you will arrive at Flamingo Valley. Well, I raised some flamingos, which is called Flamingo Valley. I remember that many years ago, I was a teenager. In Xi'an Qinling Wildlife Park, there were hundreds of flamingos. I dare not call them Flamingo Valley anywhere. There are dozens of flamingos in the Grand Canyon. They all look lonely. Why is it called Flamingo Valley? Don't you know, when I saw the name of the scenic spot "Flamingo Valley", what I saw in my mind was a big valley with a lake in it. There were groups of flamingos everywhere in the big valley. What a wonderful picture.

         只是,没有想到,这个“火烈鸟谷”是缩微版的。山谷是没有的, 大湖 是没有的,小溪是有一条的,火烈鸟也是有那么十来只的。形态还是很漂亮的。
However, I didn't expect that this "Flamingo Valley" was a micro version. There is no valley, no big lake, no brook, no flamingo. The shape is very beautiful.

Flamingos are very strange. They always like to stand in the water with one leg and rest with the other leg rolled up. The balance of the body is well controlled. It can be imagined that the muscles of his feet must be very developed. It should be full of delicious crispy bones.



The camera zooms in to take a close-up of the flamingo, but the focal length of the lens is not enough.



Because the background of the shooting is water, the water under the shade of trees, the real eye can see that the water is also black. The exposure of this photo is very accurate.

The water in the picture is black, which is because the exposure is reduced during exposure. When shooting the water under the shadow, if the proportion of water is large, the exposure needs to be reduced, because the water is light absorbing, and the water feels a bit black when shooting, so the exposure of the whole picture is accurate. One of the techniques of photography. The principle is a little complicated. To put it simply, the so-called white plus black minus. If the area of white in the picture is large, exposure compensation should be added. If the area of black in the picture is large, exposure compensation should be reduced.




Then I went to a small zoo and even raised rabbits. It reminds me of spicy rabbit cubes.

Rabbit is so cute. How can you eat rabbit? Hey, hey, hey. The best way to eat rabbits is to eat spicy diced buns, which makes your mouth water when you think about it.





This small animal is called a raccoon. It is very cute and loved by female compatriots. Across the glass, a group of female compatriots rushed to take out their mobile phones to take pictures of raccoons. This raccoon is not strange. It's very cooperative. You can take any pictures. It's also very cooperative.

Speaking of POSE, the next one is a master. Is this the amazing POSE? Or excited POSE? In a word, I don't understand... Compare the two photos. The level of POSE is definitely higher than that of raccoon.



The sky turned awesome blue. The sun came out of the clouds. The villa was in the distance.



        木质过山车,暂时没有开放,叫做每周定期维护保养。纳闷的很,为啥要用木头来修建过山车道呢?就是为了有个噱头吧。过山车的惊险刺激程度,是由高度、速度、轨道的弯曲度决定的,和用什么材料没有关系啊。而且,不管用什么材料来做轨道的支撑,都必须要保证足够的强度,这个强度在设计的时候已经计算好了,留有很大的余量,而且,再说,这种特种设备,强度和安全性不够,是根本无法运营的。木头的使用寿命相比钢铁,还是要差很远的。木头怕虫蛀、怕白蚁、怕老鼠、怕雨水、怕腐烂、怕潮湿,平时的维护保修成本也高。 采用钢铁的话,只要表面的防锈漆刷好了,基本不用保养啊。而且钢和木头不同,钢在破坏失效之前,会有明显的变形,很容易检查,木头吧,失效的时候会突然断裂哟,失效前也不容易检查。再说,钢除了被锈蚀的部分以外,都是可以回收再利用的。

The wooden roller coaster is not open for the time being. It is called weekly regular maintenance. I wonder why we should use wood to build a roller coaster lane? Just for a gimmick. The thrilling degree of the roller coaster is determined by its height, speed, and the curvature of the track. It has nothing to do with the materials used. Moreover, no matter what materials are used to support the track, sufficient strength must be guaranteed. This strength has been calculated at the time of design, leaving a large margin. Moreover, this special equipment is not strong enough and safe enough to operate. The service life of wood is far less than that of steel. Wood is afraid of insects, termites, mice, rain, decay and moisture. The maintenance and warranty costs are also high. If steel is used, as long as the anti rust paint on the surface is brushed, there is no need for maintenance. Moreover, steel is different from wood. Steel will have obvious deformation before it is damaged and fails. It is easy to check. For wood, it will suddenly break when it fails, and it is not easy to check before it fails. Besides, steel can be recycled except for the rusted parts.




I don't know what's in this building. Anyway, there is a long queue. I'm too lazy to go to see it.




In the aquarium, there is a 3D movie and the rhythm of the pit father. At any rate, they also raise some real aquariums.



        山洪暴发的表演,有好几个老外的表演。老外通常是 俄罗斯 的、 乌克兰 的。为什么呢? 俄罗斯 、 乌克兰 的擅长跳水和游泳啊,而且不怕冷,冬天的时候照常跳水。另外一个原因,就是 俄罗斯 和 乌克兰 那边,由于经济原因,人工便宜啊,比 中国 的人工更便宜,所以,景区里面请的老外表演,通常都是 俄罗斯 和 乌克兰 的。反正给咱 中国 人开,老外都长得差不多。

There are several foreigners performing in the performance of flash floods. Foreigners are usually Russian and Ukrainian. Why? Russia and Ukraine are good at diving and swimming, and they are not afraid of cold. They dive as usual in winter. Another reason is that for economic reasons in Russia and Ukraine, labor is cheaper than that in China. Therefore, foreigners invited in the scenic spots are usually from Russia and Ukraine. Anyway, foreigners look the same for us Chinese.



This is a wine town. Imitate a famous town abroad, and the buildings are imitated.




There is a small castle and stage in the town. There are several performances every day. The first program is dance, white and black. Bare breasts, exposed breasts, plump breasts and fat hips are popular with middle-aged oily men. Hey, hey, hey. In fact, I also like it. I was still taking pictures, but when I heard the dance music, I ran over immediately. While enjoying the dance, I still compare it silently in my heart. hey.



The singing of folk singers has a good melody.




This is a rhythmic gymnastics performance. It looks good.

The basic skills of rhythmic gymnastics are pretty good.




Cycling show. They ride small wheelbarrows and play street climbing.




Take the cable car and soon reach the top of the Great Xia Valley. When we got to the top of the mountain, the view was very wide.




Although the scenery is not very beautiful, we can still feel relaxed and happy for those who live in the jungle of reinforced concrete everyday.



What is the name of this amusement facility?? I was scared to piss when I saw it. Hurry to find the toilet.




This is the glass bridge of the Grand Canyon. It's still a bit scary when it stretches out from the mountain. A coward like me dare not go up. This is a joke. I am sure I will go there for a walk. Now I have no feeling for glass products such as glass bridge and glass plank road, because there are many scenic spots.




In fact, from this perspective, the glass bridge is not very scary.




When you reach the top of the mountain above the OCT in the east, you can see that there are many pillars on the top of the mountain, called totems. There are many snacks here. If it is not hot in summer, the wind on the top of the mountain is still cool. It's actually quite good to have some snacks and take a look at the surrounding scenery in the warm sun.



After seeing the scenery on the top of the mountain, you can go downhill. There are many ways to go down the mountain. I take a bus to go down the mountain directly. It takes me more than 10 minutes to get from the top to the bottom.



        这个是大峡谷的标志了,小车冲到 水里 面,激起惊天动地的浪花。

This is the sign of the Grand Canyon. The car rushed into the water and stirred up earth shaking waves.

This is the end of the happy Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is a playground, not a scenic spot.

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